Happy Octave of Easter! As we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord, we propose The Face of Mercy as the theme for April. Converts celebrate the anniversary of entering into full communion with the Church every Easter. Many people think once Easter is done, it’s over, but we Catholics celebrate for the eight days following. At Mass, there are special inserts in the Roman Canon, Eucharistic Prayer I is used and every Mass ends with a double Alleluia! The twelve tribes of Israel celebrated their designated feasts for several days, also.
The Octave concludes with Divine Mercy Sunday (April 7) and the gift of the plenary indulgence that accompanies it, under these conditions. The Annunciation of the Lord (April 8) was moved this year because it fell during Holy Week. Interestingly, there will be a total solar eclipse that day in North America. We strongly recommend The Star of Bethlehem Revealed – God’s Signature in the Sky (DVD), which reveals the constellations at the time of Christ’s birth and death and their significance. Fascinating!
The next Aquinas 101 video from the Thomistic Institute is Nature and Natures with Fr. Thomas J. White, OP.
Our Monthly CMA Prayer Group will meet via ZOOM on April 13 at 2:00 PM EDT. Come join us in prayer!
Please join us and Cardinal Raymond Burke who is calling on every Catholic in America to pray with him for the next nine months in this Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The 12th Annual Sacred Liturgy Conference will be held June 4 – 7 in Ferndale, California. The theme is The Church on Fire in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Learn more about this beautiful event and register here. CMA’s 93rd Annual Educational Conference will be held in Orlando, Fla. Sept. 5 -7. The timely theme is Imago Dei: Made in His Image, Male and Female He Created Them. Registration is now open.
We would like to highlight St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr (April 11), patron of Poland, who lived from 1030-1079 and opposed the unjust wars and immorality of King Boleslaus II. He was murdered by the king himself, when the king’s men refused to kill him. St. Mark (April 25) was a disciple of St. Peter, a cousin of Barnabus and author of the earliest and shortest Gospel. His name appears in St. Paul’s letters, as he traveled with him on some of his journeys. He describes many of Jesus’ miracles in vivid detail and we recommend you read St. Mark’s Gospel in its entirety this month.
The Church dedicates the month of April to the Holy Eucharist. We offer Visits to the Blessed Sacrament by St. Alphonsus Ligouri, This is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival by Bishop Robert Barron and With Burning Hearts by Henri Nouwen for your spiritual nourishment.
Chair: Kathleen M. Raviele, MD
Vice-Chair: Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre, MD, PhD
Chaplain: Fr. Christopher Kubat, MD
Donna C. Dobrowolsky, MD
Richard Florentine, MD
Jennifer Johnson, MD
Christina Chan, MD
Marie-Alberte Boursiquot, MD
Kevin Murrell, MD
Deacon Bruno Schettini, MD
Maria Martinez Ramos, MD
Sister Edith Mary Hart, RSM, DO
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